Thursday, July 8, 2010

Types of Children's Books


Pictures Books

Picture books have a unique format because they do not have any words. Picture books come in all forms, shapes, and sizes. Each picture in a picture book which serves as a visual sign that affects the reader to construct meaning of the authors story. These books create at children's imagination to work. This is a good way to let students in your classroom create a story about the book with no words. If 30 children were handed the same book and were asked to write a story about it, they would all have a different story.

Traditional Literature

Traditional Literature books are the cannon of tales, stories, and poems of people that have been passed down by word mouth through many generations. I always remember my grandma rocking me in her rocking chair and telling me stories of Cinderella, The three little Pigs, and many more. I loved being able to picture the story in my head. These are great stories that never get old. There is always a new version or a different one. I cant wait for my kids to learn about these stories the way I did.

Modern Fantasy

Fantasy unites the child's view of the world with the inherent fascination for magic. Children read these books and fantasise to be just like them or part of the story. Children get to see the blend of fantasy and reality. The author combines the two things to make their story. For example to borrowers is a great book where there is reality with a family living in a home and then there is the fantasy with the "little people" living in the walls of that home.

Realistic Fiction
Realistic Fiction is real in the sense that the setting, characters, and events are plausible. They reflect contemporary places,people, and situations. The reason it is fiction though is because these events did not really happen. These events can happened and are "realistic" and possible events but they are not on a particular event that did happen. I know I love watch Lifetime for their Realistic Fiction.

Historical Fiction
Historical fiction is a combination of historical facts as well as imagination. We love hearing what happened long time a go in our history, but sometimes they do not always have all the facts. In historical Fiction they will take the facts that they do have and then fill in the blanks of the parts that they don't have so that they can then make it a book. Usually a book will sat based off true events for a historical fiction novel.

Poetry is usually presented to children first. They hear poetry through the lullabies and nursery Rhymes. As children get older the poetry is found in music, poems, and riddles. Children use poetry a lot but do not even realize it. Most students listen to rap music and a lot of that could be considered or portrayed as poetry. Poetry really expands a students vocabulary because when they have to create their own poetry they normally need a dictionary to help them find words that will fit. Poetry is not always used in the classroom nor is it mandatory to, but poetry is such a big part of our lives and it should not be lost, but it should continued to be taught.

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